Here is a summary of my collaborations this week with my partner Grace


Grace and I collaborated on a multitude of problems, some of which include

  • A problem with Java not showing up in my Jupyter Notebook
  • A problem with Grace’s website where all her hard work and styles suddenly dissapeared
  • A problem with my tables that did not allow me to use the pipe function to let me make tables
  • A problem where Grace did not know how to display the images in her blog
  • A problem with me not understanding how to make a post
  • A problem where Grace accidentally forgot to update her website configuration
  • A problem where my images kept on getting deleted

Grace and I collaborated over FaceTime at home so that we could help each other out with our issues. Here is a pic of us on FaceTime! A rare moment of a wild Grace being productive

Grace also helped me draw my freeform pic (and tell me how to draw)