World War 3


  • Fibonacci - Inheritance and Abstraction
  • Sorting - Algorithms, Inheritance, Abstraction
  • Analysis - Calculation and Measurements

Sorting >

Visualizing the different sorts

Basic 4 sorting types:

  • Bubble Sort: GET http://localhost:8062/api/sorting/bubble?input=1,3,5,7,9
  • Insertion Sort: GET http://localhost:8062/api/sorting/insertion?input=2,4,6,8,10
  • Merge Sort: GET http://localhost:8062/api/sorting/merge?input=9,7,5,3,1
  • Selection Sort: GET http://localhost:8062/api/sorting/selection?input=10,8,6,4,2 (aws was down so we used localhost) Postman Sample of Selection: image

Github Commit Link (


Matrix Exponentiation > LINK

Binet’s Formula > LINK

Key Commits

Tanisha writing all the backend files in the Card folder

Rachit Fixing and starting up the backend Fibonacci only works on local, fixing the issue, but code works on local. Basic Sorting

Luna Adding the Matrix Exponentiation Merge visualization

Future Plans

  • Finishing animation
  • Visualizing analysis
  • Changing fibonacci