2015 MCQ Reflection



Over the course of CSA, I have had a pretty eventful journey. I have mainly experienced working with new people and new groups, as before, I was a standalone programmer. I have learned a lot about being in a group, learning about the SCRUM process and collaborating with other people. Working with different people has been fun, and learning how they think and function has really helped me. Collaborating with them has also furthered my understanding of Java, as I am able to learn from the different ways they think in.


  • I learned how I can be affected by focus (especially during a lightning storm)
  • I learned that CollegeBoard loves to trick us with small details
  • I learned that writing a framework and diagram for outlining the code can really help me


One thing that I discovered that I am prone to errors when I am not concentrated. While I was taking the multiple choice, there was a ligtning storm happening outside my house, and I was very interested in the lightning and shocked when a huge burst happened. That probably led to a decrease in my scores, as I got two questions wrong at around the middle of the MCQ; the same place when the ligtning happened. Another thing that I learned is that CollegeBoard will play tricks on you. One keyword, one small line can be the difference between the correct answer and the incorrect answer. It can also be a symbol, so I have to be careful when I answer.