Individual Progress

Over the course of this year, I have progressed a lot individually.

AP Preparation Progress

I have come to the point where I am able to understand and complete a good variety of FRQ’s, however, they take me time to read and understand, which is a drawback I am trying to work on. Also, I would like to practice them on paper, as that is what the real AP exam will be like. Why a computer science test is on paper, I don’t know.

Rachit Jaiswal, Period 3, CSA, Publish: 2/25/2024

FRQ Link
FRQ 1 link
FRQ 2 link
FRQ 3 link
FRQ 4 link
All FRQ’s combined link
PBL Issue link

Key Commits

Here is a list of my favorite commits from our current project:

  1. Getting question repository to work on Frontend - commit link
  2. Chat implementation with dynamic fine-tuning (although gpt-4 works much better than gpt-3 for this purpose) on the Frontend - commit link
  3. Automatic branch updating to prevent merge issues on backend with github actions - commit link
  4. Added question randomization through SQL queries on the backend - commit link
  5. Backend GPT Chat implementation working - commit link
  6. Make question repository on backend work for the first time (title is misleading, gpt did not work) - commit link

Github Analytics


Personal Spotlight: Documentation and Organization with Integration


This trimester, I have been working a lot, as scrum master, to keep our documentation updated and logged so that we can refer to it at a later date and we know what everyone else is doing without having to constantly bug and ping them. Showcase on diffent documentations, logging, and tracking of goals.

Github Pages Blog


Lab Notebook

AP Work

As shown above…

FRQ Link
FRQ 1 link
FRQ 2 link
FRQ 3 link
FRQ 4 link
All FRQ’s combined link
PBL Issue link

Project work

Together, we work as a cohesive team to assign roles and responsibilites, while performing tasks on our own or with a pair. We have weekly meetings on Sundays, meetings throughout the weeks at night, and meeting in preparation for an event several days in advance till the next day. Check the codemaxxer issues page in the personal spotlight for more details.