Terminal Commands

Command Definition
cd Change directory
ls List
rm Remove
touch Create file
mkdir “Make directory”
chmod Change permissions
chattr Change attributes (immutable, etc.)
wsl Windows subsystem for linux → open up a linux terminal in windows
wsl -h List all wsl commands
man List manual page for all commands
git Github commands
git clone Clone a repository
apt Aptitude package manager, commonly found in Ubuntu and sometimes Debian
snap Snap store package manager, also commonly found on Ubuntu and Kali
dpkg Debian package manager; keeps track of all the packages
brew Mac package manager
echo Print (can be used for printing in files as well with the » operator)
bundle install Installs dependencies in the gemfile
make Runs the local server
make convert Checks to see if jupyter notebooks update
make clean Stops the server and cleans out all the temporary files
make stop Stops the local server
dig Outputs DNS information
ifconfig Outputs IP and network configuration information