Individual Review - Yearly

  Score, Grader Verification Runtime Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
SASS hacks 0.95, Edwin Link Extra frontend demo website Commit
jQuery hacks 0.95, Orlando Link Really cool car animation Commit
Thymeleaf hacks 0.93, Akshat Link - Commit
SQL, HashMap hacks 0.90, Shivansh Link - Commit
JWT hacks N/A N/A N/A N/A
CORS, dotEnv, Exploits hacks N/A N/A N/A N/A
CB Quiz 35/39, 1.85/2 Link   Commit for Completion Commit for Descriptions
Totals Median Score: 0.94 Number complete: 5 Extra effort count: 2 Key commit count: 6

Key Assets


Took down the deployment as too many of my friends were “looking into it”

Basic Node server, but pretty cool. Fine tuning the model was fun.

Link to Showcase for AIGF All steps of the plan are still not complete D:


Bot Homepage

Designed the AI bot for stocktify that could be called as an external API

Neural Net Analysis

Created a neural network that used a couple sample stocks to make predicitons, all written in Java first and then in JavaScript.

Learned and Made APIs, managed them on the frontend.

Learned somewhat how to deploy, courtesy of Theo!

Scrum Master: Scrum for Stocktify


NOT scrum master.

Actually learned how to deploy and learned different kinds of sorting.

Backend Deployment, Fibonacci, and Sorting. Review for WW3


table1 table2 table3

Collegeboard Prep


12AM: Ethan teaches me how to play brawl stars

1AM: Revew java notes on W3Schools (quick reading): W3 Schools

1:30AM: Start, cool lightning show!

3AM: Done, did not do too well but I can improve: Blog

Plan for the actual test

W3 Schools. Not even kidding.

And a cheatsheet like the one I did for CSP. Cheatsheet

I am not kidding it took me a whole day to make this

Lab Notebook

Lab Notebook

Github Commits

Github Commits



You know when you dont want to write 10 english essays. Yeah, I know. This is why I will be working on a bot that can write essays based off of student samples, and make it original enough to pass turnitin and other checking systems.

Already working on this for a club tho soooooooooooooo maybe I want to get into gaming like the Legend of Zelda, because those games and their physics interest me.